Wednesday 27 August 2014

Malaysia Airlines: 'spike in cabin crew resignations' after MH17 and MH370 tragedies | The Telegraph UK

The Telegraph newspaper reported today that Malaysia Airlines has experience almost two hundred cabin crew resignations since the loss of MH370 and MH17. The airline is believed to planning a rescue restructuring plan due to be implemented soon. If staff have been leaving the airline then I'm not sure how delivering a talk to them titled Exclusive Discourse - MH370 and MH17 from the perspective of Islam really helps matters.
Almost 200 cabin crew resigned from Malaysia Airlines in the year to July, many as a result of the MH17 and MH370 tragedies, Malaysia Airlines has confirmed, as rumours swirl about the airline's future.
"Following the MH17 incident, there was a spike in crew resignations but the number has now decreased to acceptable and routinely expected levels,” Malaysia Airlines said in a statement to the Telegraph.
"Many cited 'family pressure' as the reason for their resignation due to the MH17 and MH370 tragedies," the statement said.
A spokesman for the airline would not comment on rumoured crew shortages, but said the organisation’s resignation rate was "way below the industry norm”, and pointed to the company’s support for staff through counselling and special prayer sessions, as well as a talk held last week titled 'Exclusive Discourse - MH370 and MH17 from the perspective of Islam’.

Via The Telegraph.

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